all postcodes in G32 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G32 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G32 6AA 41 6 55.854387 -4.180047
G32 6AB 23 0 55.855421 -4.181511
G32 6AD 40 1 55.861491 -4.182858
G32 6AF 15 11 55.856427 -4.180803
G32 6AN 13 0 55.857509 -4.179838
G32 6AP 10 0 55.858126 -4.179521
G32 6AR 12 0 55.85799 -4.178555
G32 6AS 8 4 55.855754 -4.178672
G32 6AT 59 4 55.855124 -4.176192
G32 6AW 20 0 55.858168 -4.180674
G32 6AX 9 3 55.8543 -4.175571
G32 6BU 66 0 55.861641 -4.195124
G32 6BX 1 1 55.857259 -4.184282
G32 6DG 4 0 55.85731 -4.190022
G32 6DH 56 0 55.858324 -4.190143
G32 6DJ 10 1 55.858352 -4.192078
G32 6DQ 8 0 55.858014 -4.191388
G32 6DR 3 3 55.856867 -4.188159
G32 6DS 32 1 55.854327 -4.188722
G32 6DT 17 0 55.861824 -4.192945